June 15-June 17 and 22-24, 2018
The first of three plays in playwright Alan Ayckbourn’s “The Norman Conquests” trilogy, “Table Manners” takes place around the dining room table in the family home. Annie still lives at home with her elderly, invalid mother, but she is a woman with a plan: avoid her sort-of boyfriend Tom and dash out of town with her sister’s husband, the irascible but charming Norman. She asks her unsuspecting elder brother Reg and his wife Sarah to look after their widowed mother and the house while she is away, but once they arrive, her plan is soon discovered. Once Tom arrives, followed by Norman, and finally Norman’s wife Ruth, the stage is set for a dysfunctional family weekend. Too much tension, too much alcohol, and too little food make for a combustible and hysterical mix.
Table Manners was performed at the Cyrus Pavilion Theatre on the University of Maine campus in Orono, ME:
The cast included Angela Bonacasa (Annie), Tellis Coolong (Reg), Holly Costar (Sarah), Tyler Costigan (Norman), Jenny Hancock (Ruth) and Jake Sherburne (Tom). The production was directed by Tricia Hobbs, with set design by Tricia Hobbs, Lighting Design by Scout Hough, Costume design by Claire Bolduc, Prop Design by Belinda Hobbs, and Stage Managed by Kristy Eaton.